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The 1925 Kanto Shipwreck Film Fragment, possibly titled Righteous Blood (Giketsu, 義血)

A night scene of a coastline, with a ship, slightly listing, in the background, and a rocky hill in the foreground, on which several people can be seen, silhouetted by a bonfire behind them.

Other possible titles: Honorable Blood, Kanto and the Sailor Ogawa, The Shipwreck of Kanto and the Sailor Ogawa, Special Service Ship Kanto and the Sailor Ogawa Production Company Kokkatsu Scenarist Unknown Cinematographer Tsuburaya Eiji Chief Assistant Director Igayama Masamitsu Performers…

The Outsiders (Mori to mizuumi no matsuri; 森と湖のまつり), 1958

A young Japanese man in modern clothes carrying a rifle crouches behind some shrubbery and looks into the distance, with a lake in the far distance behind him

Other titles: Festival of Lakes and Forests (literal English title) Production Company Tōei (Tokyo) Scenarist Uekusa Keinosuke Source Festival of Lakes and Forests (Mori to mizuumi no matsuri) [novel] by Takeda Taijun Producer Ōkawa Hiroshi Cinematographer Nishikawa Shōei Art Director…