Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Alternate Titles: Horse Boy; Hooligans’ Highway (literal English title); La Route des malandrins (literal French title) Production Company Toei (Kyoto) Scenarist Yoda Yoshikata Original Draft (uncredited) Hirata Kenzo (see Notes on the Production below) Sources The Night Song of Yosaku…
Production Company Nikkatsu (Tamagawa) Scenarists Yagi Yasutarō (adaptation); Kameya Gentoku (screenplay) Source Ozaki Shirō (novel) Cinematographer Yokota Tatsuyuki Performers (Note: actors credited in the cast list but who don’t appear in the extant version are noted with an asterisk.) Kosugi…
Photo above: Uchida Tomu directing a film, probably Swords of Death (Shinken shōbu, 1971) Note: As I’ve already done several times for this blog, I am interrupting my series of reviews of the films of Uchida Tomu to post my…
Other titles: The Hunger Straits, Straits of Hunger (literal English titles); Starvation Straits (alternative English title) Le détroit de la faim (literal French title); Szökevény a múltból [A Fugitive from the Past] (alternate Hungarian title) Production Company Toei (Tokyo) Scenarist…
Tale of a Boy: Noble Heart (alternate English title) Production Company Shakai Kyōiku Kenkyū-jo Scenarist Unknown (possibly Uchida) Source Kobayashi Sadaji (original story) Staging Oshimoto Shichinosuke Cinematographer Nagai Seiji Performers Kojima Takehiko (Mr. Sakai, the teacher); Mizushima Michitarō [as Mizushima…
From time to time, I will interrupt my series of reviews of the films of Uchida Tomu to post general observations on Uchida, his current reputation and his art. Photo above: A snapshot of six Japanese film directors, taken in…
Other titles: Der Acker [The Field] (alternate German title); Ziemia (literal Polish title); Поле [“Pólye”: The Field] (alternate Russian title) Production Company Nikkatsu Tamagawa (Chōfu) Production Dates 1937 – 1939 (precise dates unknown) Scenarists Kitamura Tsutomu, Yagi Yasutarō Source Tsuchi…