Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Other possible titles: Honorable Blood, Kanto and the Sailor Ogawa, The Shipwreck of Kanto and the Sailor Ogawa, Special Service Ship Kanto and the Sailor Ogawa Production Company Kokkatsu Scenarist Unknown Cinematographer Tsuburaya Eiji Chief Assistant Director Igayama Masamitsu Performers…
Photo above: Zhang Ziyi and Odagiri Joe in the 2005 Japanese musical Princess Raccoon (Operetta tanuki goten), the final film directed by Suzuki Seijun (1923-2017). Note: As I’ve already done several times in this blog, I am interrupting my series…
Other titles: Der Acker [The Field] (alternate German title); Ziemia (literal Polish title); Поле [“Pólye”: The Field] (alternate Russian title) Production Company Nikkatsu Tamagawa (Chōfu) Production Dates 1937 – 1939 (precise dates unknown) Scenarists Kitamura Tsutomu, Yagi Yasutarō Source Tsuchi…